Ora Fay's Recent Blogs

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guys, I found an interesting fact about everyone's favorite TV series "friends"! And you knew it!? Date: Nov 21st @ 1:46am EST
Lisa Kudrow hates to play the guitar. She even suggested that the writers replace the instrument with Bongo drums, but they responded by hiring her a guitar teacher. Kudrow was never able to learn anything but a couple of chords, and decided that her Phoebe would be a bad self-taught musician. For that we are grateful to her, because we love "Tattered cat" just the way he is!
Would you like to spend time there with me?) Horseshoe bend, United States Date: Nov 19th @ 11:19pm EST
We're back to the Colorado river. This time â€" to see the Horseshoe meander at the Glen canyon national recreation area. The place is very popular among tourists, because it is really picturesque and you can make great pictures for memory. It is also very easy to reach, with road 89 near Horseshoe bend.
About Space Date: Nov 19th @ 4:07am EST
in fact, even modern people know very little about the vast Universe in which they live.
Scientists are constantly conducting research and experiments that would allow a breakthrough in this area, and sometimes it succeeds.
This review contains interesting facts about space, which not everyone knows about.
1.2997 92458 m / s
The speed of light in space.
Any person interested in science fiction, for sure, more than once imagined how he flies through the galaxy at the speed of light (about 2,997 92 458 meters per second). However, reality can be much less fun, and often simply deadly. When an object moves at the speed of light, hydrogen atoms turn into highly active particles that could easily destroy the starship’s crew and all its electronics in no time. Only a few freely floating clouds of hydrogen in space at such a speed can produce radioactive radiation equivalent to the proton beam created at the Large Hadron Collider.
2. The runaway moon
Every year, the Moon is 4 centimeters away from Earth.
Each year, the moon is 4 centimeters away from Earth. Although this figure may not seem so big, it can have devastating consequences for our planet in the future. Despite the fact that the Earth’s gravitational field should keep the moon in the Earth’s orbit, its removal will ultimately slow down the planet’s rotation until one day lasts more than a month.
3. The concentration of matter and gravity
Black holes.
As a rule, black holes form after the death of massive stars. These are areas of space with an extradense concentration of matter and such unimaginable gravity that they distort light and time. Even a small black hole in our solar system could move all the planets from their orbits and tear the sun to pieces. If this is not scary enough, then you need to know the following fact: black holes can rush through the Galaxy at a speed of several million kilometers per second, leaving chaos and destruction in its path.
4. Dinosaurs and gamma rays
Gamma radiation.
The most powerful type of explosion in the universe, gamma rays are intense, high-frequency bursts of electromagnetic radiation that in milliseconds emit as much energy as the sun in its entire life. If such a flash of radiation hit the Earth, then it could deprive the atmosphere of ozone in a matter of seconds. Some scientists even attribute the mass extinction of dinosaurs that occurred 440 million years ago to the burst of gamma radiation that hit the Earth.
5. Weightlessness and psychosis
Zero gravity.
From a scientific point of view, this is called microgravity. This state occurs when the object is in a state of free fall, i.e. weightlessness. Although at first glance it seems funny, for a long time in zero gravity conditions it can lead to long-term mental and physical disorder of a person.
6. No atmosphere, no oxidation
Cold welding.
On Earth, gases in the atmosphere react with metals, creating a thin layer of oxide. In a vacuum, there is no atmosphere and, therefore, no oxidation occurs on the metal, which leads to a rather interesting reaction. This reaction is called "cold welding" and it occurs when two pieces of metal pressed against each other are joined together on an ongoing basis, without additional heating. This caused a lot of problems when launching the first satellites.
Scary story Date: Nov 18th @ 3:00am EST
One cold autumn evening, I was going home from work, the fact is that when I walked I felt a strange feeling that someone was watching me, when I started to go into the house with the corner of my eye I noticed a shadow, but I thought I was overworked at work. I was frustrated that when I entered the house, the cat didn’t come running to me as usual, but sat in the corner of the corridor, I thought that the neighbors were doing the repair so he was scared of the sounds. But ... When I took a shower, I went to bed, only now I noticed a slight fog on the street, one lamp on the street gave light. I brewed tea for myself and turned on the laptop, started doing a project that should be done tomorrow, when the kettle brewed I got up and went to make tea, for some reason I decided to look out the window. The fact that I saw there struck me and at the same time scared me. There was some kind of creature, he had no eyes, his mouth was wide open, some black fluid flowed from him. Although it did not have eyes, I felt that it saw me and watched more than one evening. While I was looking at him, it was something that quickly began to move towards my porch, suddenly the lights went out all over the house, I heard a rattle in my door, while I stood in a stupor at the door they began to knock frantically. I automatically picked up a knlfe and locked myself in the bathroom. The sound of a knocked door. It is already nearby, I felt, and then I realized that I forgot to close the door to the bathroom. Horror! I quickly hid under the bedside table. And this something went in, at that moment I disconnected. It turned out that I had been lying in a coma for two years, the neighbors armed me near my house, unconscious, I was holding a knlfe in my hands. I do not know what it is, but I am sure that this is not an accident.
smoke Date: Nov 17th @ 2:23am EST
Recently rode in the bus in the center . Traffic is heavy, we're going slow. I look out the window - right next to the trolley rides such a colorful uncle in a fashionable military shirt and famously twisted beret - on the right-hand drive car. Uncle relish Smoking a cigarette, putting his elbow on the open window to the end. I look at him , like he's in an aquarium. And here.. uncle finishes his cigarette, and with a deft click of an experienced smoker sends it... with a right hand to the left... Inside the cabin of his apparently newly acquired right-hand beauty. Chinarik beats in a closed window on the left and lets a beautiful cascade of smoldering embers. And the uncle with the brutal expression on his face displays (lip-read) some short but succinct spell and nervously taxis to the curb.
Did you know this fact about fashion? Date: Nov 15th @ 10:54pm EST
Wearing shorts in public was not considered acceptable for women, until the First world war
About car Date: Nov 14th @ 1:36am EST
1. Currently, more than 1 billion cars are used on Earth.
2. The growth of the global fleet continues due to the growth of sales of new cars in countries such as China and the United States. It is predicted that by 2050 about 2.5 billion cars will be registered on Earth.
3. Cars appeared in our world when the steam engine was invented in 1769. In 1807, François Isaac de Riva developed the first car, which was driven by a gas-fired internal combustion engine.
4. In 1885, Karl Benz patented the invention - the first gasoline-powered car. She had three wheels, a T-shaped steering wheel and a 1.7-liter engine. Three years later, his wife made the first car trip between the cities, the speed reached 16 km / h. At the same time, Karl began mass production of cars.
5. The first car accident occurred in 1891 in Ohio, USA.
6. The longest car is a limousine. The length is 30 meters! The car has 26 wheels, it folds in half and has two control cabs at both ends. Inside there is a pool, a bed, and on the roof there is a helicopter pad.
7. The first number plates were issued to horse-drawn carts. Car numbers appeared in 1899 in Germany (Munich).
8. In the Russian Empire in 1904 they issued the first number plate, it happened in Riga.
9. In Nizhny Novgorod, at the All-Russian Industrial Exhibition in 1896, a lot of people gathered to see the "horseless crew." It was the first Russian car! A car with a single-cylinder engine with a capacity of only 2 horsepower was built in St. Petersburg.
10. The first car to exceed 100 km / h was an electric car. It was designed in 1899 by race car driver Camill Zhenatzi from Belgium.
11. There are a lot of expensive cars, but the Ferrari 250 GTO remains the most, 1963. 36 units left the assembly line, the cost was $ 18,000, it was possible to buy only with the permission of the owner of the plant. The record was set in 2008, when the car was sold at auction for 15.7 million euros.
12. The most crowded roads in the world are in Luxembourg. There are 570 cars per 1000 people.
13. The amount of the fine on the road in Finland depends on the income of the offender. So, for example, a driver received a fine of 170 thousand euros, whose annual income amounted to about 7 million euros.
14. The smallest armored vehicle, the PAV1 Badger, was created by Howe and Howe Technologies. Its width was only 1 meter! The car even got the nickname "smallest tank."
Guys ! This is my new dream. I want to visit this place. Eiffel tower, France Date: Nov 12th @ 8:03pm EST
As they say, to see Paris and die. If you find yourself in this city, you will not be able to pass by the Eiffel tower-a symbol not only of Paris, but of the whole of France. It can be seen from many points of the city, as the height of the structure is 325 meters. At night, the Eiffel tower begins to shimmer with hundreds of colorful lights. You can even climb it, however, will have to pay for it a few euros. And, of course, be sure to take a picture on the background of this most recognizable sights of France.
Be sure to visit this place !!! Waterfall Pongour, Vietnam Date: Nov 12th @ 1:10am EST
Known as the City of Love, Dalat in Vietnam is an incredibly romantic place. There are beautiful waterfalls, poetic landscapes, rich history and culture. And a special place among this is the waterfall Pongur. 100 meters in width and 40 in height, Pangur consists of 7 levels and flows into a small lake. The waterfall is surrounded by 25 hectares of pristine rainforest.
About Space Date: Nov 11th @ 4:33am EST
The satellite of Triton is gradually approaching Neptune as it rotates.
The calculations of the scientists predict that Triton and Neptune will ultimately come close only to say that Triton will be unavailable, and y Yo
The newt is also the only strong satellite in the entire Solar system, which rotates into a fully-rotating side.
Neptuny needed 60 190 days (almost 165 years) to get around the Sun. That is, from the moment of its opening in 1846, he completed only one rotation cycle!
The area of ​​Kuiper is a region of the solar system, which is found to be Neptune, which makes it possible to separate from the rest of the world a little different.


Uranus has a blue glow due to methane in its atmosphere, since methane does not pass through a red light.
Urana had a relatively recent discovery of 27 satellites.
Hurricane has a unique tilt, because of a short one night it lasts only 21 years!
Uranus was originally called the "Star of George."

Planet less than Russia

List of dwarf planets and other small objects

Planet even less than Lyna!
Charon is the satellite of Pluto, but with it it is not much less light in size.
A day at Plato lasts 6 days and 9 hours.
Pluto (according to the English Pluto) is named after the Roman god, but not the dogs from Disney, as some expect.
In 2006, the International Astronomical Union re-classified Pluton into the dwarf planet.
The Solar System currently has 5 dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluton, Haymea, Erida, and Makemake.

Soviet satellite

The first artificial satellite of Zemli was occupied by the USSR in 1957 and was called "Satellite-1".
The first man who had traveled to Kosmos was from the Soviet Union and called him Yuri Gagarin.
The second man in the cosmos was Herman Titov. He was a duplicator of Yuri Gagarin.
The first female co-conspirator became a citizen of the USSR, Valentina Tereshkova.
The Soviet and Russian cosmonaut Sergiy Konstantinovich Krikalyov is a rekormsmenom while staying in the skim. Its record reaches 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes, which is equivalent to 2.2 years!

International Space Station

The international space station is the largest object, which has been launched into the cosmos at all times.
An international space station manages the Earth every 90 minutes.
The game of Bazza Laiter from the famous animated film "The History of the Games" was in an open scythe! He spent 15 months on board the ISS and returned to Earth on September 11, 2009.

Comparison of the Earth with other cosmic objects

The Earth's daily rotation is incremented at 0.0001 every second.
The stars look flickering on the night sky, because the light coming from them is expanding in the atmosphere of the Earth.
Only 24 people saw our planet from the scythe. But thanks to the Google Earth project, the rest of the people over 500 million at a time downloaded the view of the Earth from the cosmos.
In recent years, the movement “For a flat Earth” has been activated. And it is already unclear whether they are joking or seriously waiting. Any person who enjoys a logic, can independently conduct a lot of observation and establish that the land has a sph
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